1 . 夜色的朦胧,love|醉眼的迷蒙,love
2 . Cherish-阶梯回忆|Protect-悲伤轨迹
3 . 回眸- instan
4 . Emperor染指夕颜|Emperor浮华夕颜
5 . Vaibhav维哈尔
6 . 各自安好゛Elope|互不打扰゛Elope
7 . Green♀man
the skill of learning will be something you cherishrforeve啥意思
- the skill of 乏氦催教诎寄挫犀旦篓learning will be something you cherish foreve学习能力将是你受用吧
the method of keeping love is only five words to cherish the present people,是啥意思
- the method of k筏肠摧段诋灯搓犬掸华eeping love is only five words to cherish the present people, “保持爱的方法只有五个字来珍惜现在的人,
i will cherish you什么意思
- i will cherish you 全部释义和例句我会珍惜你cherish 英[ter] 美[tr] vt. 珍爱; 爱护; 怀有; 抚育; [例句]The president will cherish the memory of this visit to Ohio.总统将铭记这次俄亥俄之行氦紶份咳莓纠逢穴抚膜。[其他] 第三人称单数:cherishes 现在分词:cherishing 过去式:cherished过去分词:cherished 形近词: clerisy
cherish the people around you.是什么意思
- cherish the people a虎哗港狙蕃缴歌斜攻铆round you.的中文翻译cherish the people around you. 珍惜身边的人。